Our Services

What do we offer?

Telehealth naturopath appointment

In Clinic & Telehealth Appointments

Appointments with our Naturopath in Adelaide (Ascot Park) location are available. Online video and phone appointments with our Naturopath in Adelaide and are also available Australia wide. 

We treat a wide range of health issues with naturopathic and nutritional medicine.


Lab Testing

Lab Testing

Lab testing that you can do within the convenience of your own home. We offer a wide range of functional pathology tests that cover all areas of your health. Test kits are posted to you making the process extremely easy and convenient. 

Tests can include: Microbiome Mapping, SIBO Breath Test, Female Hormone Panel, Male Hormone Panel, MTHFR testing, Cortisol Testing, Extensive Thyroid Panels, and much more.

Lab Testing
Naturopathic medicine

Naturopathic & Nutritional Medicine

Appointments with our Registered Naturopath in Adelaide, Ascot Park can include naturopathic medicine, nutritional medicine, dietary and lifestyle treatments, as well as other alternative treatments. 

Conditions We Help Treat


Premature Ejaculation

Erectile Dysfunction



Insomnia/Sleep issues

Recurrent UTIs​


Hay Fever

Autoimmune conditions




Rheumatoid Arthritis



High Cholesterol



Premature Ejaculation

Erectile Dysfunction



Insomnia/Sleep issues

Recurrent UTIs​


Hay Fever

Autoimmune conditions




Rheumatoid Arthritis



High Cholesterol

Type 2 Diabetes

How Appointments are Structured

$199 – up to 1 hour in length

The first appointment is a chance to get a background of your health issues and find out as much information as possible from you.

In this appointment we will identify if any additional information is needed through pathology testing. Treatment is dependant on individual symptoms, test results, and circumstances, therefore a personalised treatment plan will be formulated for you.

You will be given the information for the next steps to take in order to obtain testing, or to commence treatment

$149 – up to 45 minutes in length

The second appointment will generally consist of going through any test results, as well as thoroughly explaining your personalised treatment plan or tracking progress.

Treatments will typically consist of herbal, nutritional, dietary and/or lifestyle interventions, depending on your presenting issue and your own personal health goals

$99 – up to 30 minutes in length

In this appointment we will mainly track your progress as well as make any alterations to treatment as needed to help us reach your health goals

Appointment Process

  • 1. Book An Appointment

    Book an appointment online. You will be sent a form to fill out prior to your appointment regarding your health concerns and information. You will also be sent a link through email with your consultation details

  • 2. Have appointment with our specialised Naturopath

    Have your initial appointment with your specialised naturopath. They will cover all your health concerns and may give you a list of tests, educational information or prescribed treatment depending on your individual needs

  • 3. Have any testing or investigations if necessary

    Your practitioner will give you detailed information on how to get any tests/investigations you may need done. These will be through reputable pathology laboratories

  • 4. Start specialised treatment

    Once enough information is gathered from laboratory testing, your practitioner will create a tailored treatment plan for you to get your health back on track

  • 5. Monitor improvement of health issues

    Your practitioner will then monitor your health improvements and will change treatments as needed. Once better, your practitioner will give you education on how to manage/prevent issues from returning going forwards

Book an Appointment

Lets get on top of your health issues once and for all! Book in at our Ascot Park Naturopath Clinic or for a Telehealth appointment



2/773 Marion Rd, Ascot Park SA 5043, Australia


0422 544 312

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