SIBO Adelaide

Adelaide SIBO Specialist: Testing & Treating SIBO Adelaide Clinic

Are you struggling with persistent digestive issues that seem unresponsive to conventional treatments? Are you tired of being told “It’s just IBS” or “There’s nothing wrong with you”? Well you’ve come to the right place. Adelaide Naturopathic are your Adelaide SIBO and IBS experts, and it’s time to delve deeper into the possibility of a Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, better known as SIBO, and how it may be the underlying issue you’ve been facing. 

At Adelaide Naturopathic, we’re aware of the profound impact that SIBO can have on your daily life, and we’re here to guide you toward regaining control over your gut health.

This article will endeavour to offer a comprehensive understanding of SIBO, explaining its symptoms, and highlighting the importance of SIBO testing and treatment. Moreover, we will explain how and why Adelaide Naturopathic is uniquely positioned to assist you in your journey towards improved digestive health being your SIBO Adelaide clinic.

Many people with SIBO sadly go undiagnosed and untreated for years.

What is SIBO?

SIBO is an intricate condition characterized by the migration and overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, a region primarily responsible for nutrient absorption. This overgrowth can significantly disrupt the normal digestive processes, leading to an array of discomforting and often debilitating symptoms.

Many people with SIBO (Especially Adelaide SIBO patients), sadly go undiagnosed and untreated for years. 

Symptoms of SIBO:

  1. Bloating: Experiencing persistent and sometimes severe abdominal bloating.
  2. Gas: Suffering from excessive flatulence.
  3. Diarrhoea or Constipation: Experiencing loose or constipated stools, as well as some individuals alternating between these two opposite digestive extremes.
  4. Abdominal Pain: Cramping and discomfort in the abdominal area.
  5. Nutritional Deficiencies: Struggling with difficulty absorbing essential nutrients, which can result in fatigue and weakness.

Book an Appointment with our Adelaide SIBO Naturopath

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SIBO Adelaide Testing

Adelaide SIBO testing is simple and non-invasive. Adelaide Naturopathic is the leading clinic in Adelaide SIBO testing and treatment. Diagnosing SIBO is an important step on the path to effective treatment. Without precise testing, it becomes exceedingly challenging to differentiate SIBO from other gastrointestinal disorders that often manifest with similar symptoms. At Adelaide Naturopathic, we offer a comprehensive microbiome testing and SIBO testing which aims at accurately discerning the presence and severity of this and other gastrointestinal conditions.

Our Adelaide SIBO Testing Process:


Our esteemed SIBO Adelaide clinic provides state-of-the-art SIBO testing, comprising:

  1. Breath Testing: We may determine administering a non-invasive breath test (do at home test kit) designed to detect elevated levels of specific gases produced by bacteria in the small intestine. Elevated gas levels serve as a clear indicator of the presence of SIBO.

  2. Microbiome Testing: Although not diagnostic of SIBO, this test can help rule in or out other similar conditions to SIBO, especially relating to the microbiome. Absence of other issues within this test, in combination with clinical symptoms, often indicate SIBO presence.

  3. Holistic Evaluation: Our seasoned naturopath conducts a thorough analysis of your medical history and symptoms, creating the foundation for a individualised treatment plan precisely tailored to your unique requirements.

Adelaide SIBO Treatment

Following a confirmed diagnosis of SIBO, our dedicated team of naturopaths embarks on a journey of collaboration with you, crafting a customised treatment strategy. Our holistic approach to SIBO treatment encompasses:

  1. Antimicrobial Treatment: Typically with combination of herbal medicines aimed at eliminating SIBO taking into account individual test results, clinical presentation and scientific evidence of treatments

  2. Probiotic Integration: We may introduce specific probiotics to restore treat and restore balance of gut flora.

  3. Gastrointestinal Support: Certain supplements including herbal and nutritional supplements may be included to aid in the support and healing of the gastrointestinal tract.

  4. Lifestyle Transformation: Stress management techniques and other lifestyle adjustments are encouraged to foster overall gut health.

  5. Dietary Interventions: Dietary interventions may be recommended for a period of time during treatment or ongoing to support overall gut health and improve results

  6. Ongoing Support: We strongly believe in providing ongoing support to ensure that you attain sustained relief from SIBO and gut related symptoms.

If you’re concerned about the presence of SIBO or other microbiome issues, or if you find yourself grappling with digestive discomfort, Adelaide Naturopathic stands as your dedicated Adelaide SIBO Clinic. Our naturopath is unwavering in their commitment to providing compassionate and effective SIBO Adelaide testing and treatment.

SIBO should not serve as an impediment to your quality of life. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards optimal gut health. Place your trust in us as we partner with you on the path to restoration and well-being.


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2/773 Marion Rd, Ascot Park 5043 SA, Australia


0422 544 312

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